We understand the importance of accessible parking for individuals with disabilities. As a government office, we are dedicated to providing the necessary resources for those in need.
Temporary Disabled Placard
All temporary disabled parking placards are issued free of charge.
To obtain a temporary disabled placard, a licensed physician must complete the Application for Disabled Persons Special Parking Permit. Once completed, the document should be delivered in person or mailed to the Madison County Clerk's Office. If the applicant is unable to sign, the individual applying must present a Power of Attorney at time of application.
Anyone who wished to apply for a permanent or temporary disabled placard must fill out the Application for Disabled Person's Parking Permit (TC96-347).
PARENTS/GUARDIANS of MINORS: Please bring with you a copy of the minor's birth certificate or guardian paperwork.
Permanent Disabled Placard
To obtain a disabled placard or a disabled plate, a licensed physician must complete and sign the Application for Disabled Persons Special Parking Permit, TC 96-347. Once completed, the document should be delivered in person or mailed to the Madison County Clerk's Office.
One (1) permanent disabled parking placards will be issued free of charge. Each applicant is eligible for up to two (2) placards. The second (2) placard will cost $10.00.
NOTE: Applicants may pay with cash, check, or card. Payments with a card are subject to a $2.50 fee. Payments over $80.00 will be subject to a 3% fee is using the card as credit.
The applicant must be present to sign the application. They must have a photo ID and sign the application in person, unless the application is completed with signature and notarization when presented to the clerk. If the applicant is unable to sign, the individual applying must present a Power of Attorney at time of application.
To obtain a disabled placard renewal, the application process must be completed again with a new signature from your physician, as well as a notarized applicant's signature.