How to Obtain a Salvaged Title...
To apply for a salvage title, you are required to bring the following items to the Motor Vehicle Department:
Kentucky certificate or title
Current or expired license plate to the vehicle
A lien release if applicable (TC 96-187)
When purchasing a vehicle for the first time, 6% sales tax will be collected
Fee of $9.00 for basic salvage title and 4-6 weeks to process, or fee of $25.00 for speed title and 3-5 business days to process
Changing a title over to salvage status means the vehicle cannot be on the road until it has been sent through the rebuilt process.
How to Apply for a Rebuilt Title...
To apply for a rebuilt title, you are required to bring the following items to the Motor Vehicle Department:
Kentucky salvage title
A form of personal identification
Sheriff's inspection
Kentucky affidavit of Motor Vehicle Assembled from wrecked or salvage motor vehicles (TC 96-215 Form)
Labor statement of work performed
Receipts/invoices of new or used parts
Drop-off/Pick-up Schedule
Applications are to be made between 8am and 4pm.
Pick-ups are to be made between 11 am and 4 pm
Monday drop-offs can be picked up the following Monday
Thursday drop-offs can be picked up the following Thursday
Drop-off mail schedule:
Monday-Thursday 8:00am-3:30pm​
Closed Friday (rebuilt customers only)
When applications are dropped off, they will be available for pickup on the same day of the following week.
Only one (1) application per individual/business per day will be processed for same day service.